The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect is a term based on the idea that if you tracked the path of a hurricane from its inception, you’d find that is was all caused by a change in air pressure from the flap of a butterfly’s wings three weeks prior and halfway across the world. It serves as a metaphor for life in a chaotic world, suggesting that small events can have very large effects.

We all live in chaos, whether we will admit to it or not, and we all handle it in different ways. We can be grateful for that chaos because out of chaos comes growth and possibilities or we can let ourselves be swallowed up by it.

When dealing with chaos, some will ignore it, keeping their head down working harder and harder to stay afloat. Some will try to battle through the chaos, doing everything in their power to create a life that is perfect on the outside because maybe that will create the same perfection on the inside. And others will be overcome by it, overwhelmed by the simplest of events. In the past I have used all of the above to deal with my chaos until I realized that I had a choice and I had a voice.

So my point in sharing this is that we can let the chaos of our lives which is inevitable, blow in and take over our hopes and dreams, our thoughts of the life we want to live or we can look at the metaphor that small events like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings are part of the creation we call life.

Dreams and plans create chaos, so we need to affirm that we are courage and strength in the midst of the chaos. That we can overcome the chaos. That we too can be transformed through our small, daily, repeated positive words and actions.  

The butterfly is also a symbol of transformation. It represents endurance, change, hope and life. I believe it is proof that what starts out as chaos in the beginning, as dreams and plans often do, can transform into something incredible as well. Adjusting your thoughts and mindset can work wonders. You see, if the butterfly chose to stay a caterpillar because the chaos of transformation was just too difficult, she would never know what she could have become or that she had the ability to fly. Had she not chosen to face the fear, the anxiety, the period of transformation chaos, we would never have known her beauty.

Just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she began to fly.

 We are all meant to fly. Time passes, be patient. Use your positive self-talk to create growth from the chaos, choose your chaos battles, find the help you need to deal with the chaos be that a friend to talk to or time to yourself to set your priorities in place, you, are a priority remember. Whatever it is you need to do, do it, but never give up on the dream. Never give up on the beautiful results of transformation from chaos. Never give up on your ability to transform and fly.

You can and you will get through the chaos and come out on the other side ready to fly.


Always Believe, You Are Amazing,
